Sunday, April 13, 2008

Being a Significant member...

My elementary school and high school years are very memorable yet I can glance back how I struggle to be a significant member of the class, the community we live in and overcome my physical defficiencies.

While a little baby I had an operation that my DAD is always worried about being my disadvantage on my growing up years...Yes it was and it still is..... My LIFE is in GOD's hands...always...

I aim to maintain positive attitude anyway....having enrolled in exclusive catholic school I always have a haunting dream to become a priest...served continuously as altar boy (sakristan) that gave me a positive self-image and feels respectable...

I also tried to consistently keep my physical self being by playing basketball & lately...give myself more time exercising in the gym...these blended into a well balanced activity that kept me more active and create a more significant participation in the subdivision(our community), joins basketball team both in the school and our place...of course with the best guidance of my Kuya Ace...

Moving on...I believe success can be measured by being thankful to small things you accomplished daily...feeling great on each small blessings we receive and being healthy all I realized too that success is being a significant member of the community you live in...

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