Sunday, April 13, 2008

Being a Significant member...

My elementary school and high school years are very memorable yet I can glance back how I struggle to be a significant member of the class, the community we live in and overcome my physical defficiencies.

While a little baby I had an operation that my DAD is always worried about being my disadvantage on my growing up years...Yes it was and it still is..... My LIFE is in GOD's hands...always...

I aim to maintain positive attitude anyway....having enrolled in exclusive catholic school I always have a haunting dream to become a priest...served continuously as altar boy (sakristan) that gave me a positive self-image and feels respectable...

I also tried to consistently keep my physical self being by playing basketball & lately...give myself more time exercising in the gym...these blended into a well balanced activity that kept me more active and create a more significant participation in the subdivision(our community), joins basketball team both in the school and our place...of course with the best guidance of my Kuya Ace...

Moving on...I believe success can be measured by being thankful to small things you accomplished daily...feeling great on each small blessings we receive and being healthy all I realized too that success is being a significant member of the community you live in...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


This is one of the best pass on message I received via e-mail...It soaked in my being and whenever I read...I affirm it....because I mean it:.....
I am sorry for my sins,
I thank you for dying on the cross for me personally
I celebrate your resurrection this beautiful day by giving my life to you
I invite you into my life, into our home, into my business, into my recreation,
Into wherever I am.
Come Lord JESUS
I truly accept you as my Lord and my God and my personal Saviour.
Come now and fill me with your love,
Fill me Lord with your Spirit and send me forth to my family to share with them
Your Love and your concern.
Jesus, I LOVE YOU and I shall follow you as your disciple
Everyday of my Life.

Making Things Possible...

Hard works and initiative always pay its worth for me.

I always see to it that I make the initiative to make things happen..

I learned early in life that I cannot depend anything from anybody....everyone is busy and would prioritize their own interests...seldom someone will pay attention to you...of course your family members will----- but oftentimes they are all pre-occupied too.. (thats normal...?)

It's better to be self reliant, self supporting in your own undertakings....understanding that...from there on....whatever my interests are : I opted to be the best on it, with prayers, hardwork and determination...I always give my level best shot to make things happen.


Its always expected to have a daily quiz...recitation...lab works...exchage of opinions on every topics and even side talks in the classrooms on a daily basis...a norm in a student's life anyway.

Short quizes are going around daily discussions and issues related to previous lessons learned and its any students time mismanagement to fail in any..."not paying attention on routine schedules or skipping the study the notes nor not listening attentively in the class discussions....

Prelims and Mid-terms occupies our week-end to study longer hours to make sure we cover the most of the topics we already covered.Likewise,FINAL EXAMINATIONs are most terrifying ..being too concern that once you failed the final might be kicked-out of your course...Keeping in mind that every phase of the studies we keep guard of the progress of the lessons...I believe we have extracted the WISDOM...enough to make sure to PASS the our LIFE examinations...LIFE has a lot of challenges....and whatever problems we have in life...we could overcome it..."IT WILL PASS" the end of the day....GOD WILL NOT GIVE US EXAMINATION...that we have not given the right foundation to make sure we are "strong enough" to "PASS" it with a flying colors...GOOD GRADES of Divine Providence..

Monday, April 7, 2008

A Life worth LIVING

A Life worth LIVING... we always say the word when we are getting positive things around and being blessed with so may exciting things around us...

On this stage of my life, counting my blessings is my positive way of getting the best benchmark of my daily undertakings...God is always on my/our side.

Simple living, waking up with my brother in a rented apartment, preparing for my daily class, taking the most wisdom out of my the end of the day, unwind and browse my notes for homework lessons and try to have advance study on the other subject matters to be tackled during the week...and the month.
Trying to be ahead of what may go in the class i keep my DETERMINATION up high...LEARN...LEARN ...LEARN ....MORE and one day I know i could remove the "L" of LEARNING process then it would be the "_ EARNING" process..

Lifes' Journey2Excellence

Life is full of mysteries,everyday is a great chance for new opportunities so long as one is fully receptive on how to make the best of every minute of the day.

I have a lot of dreams in my life...for my future to strive for excellence, finish my education-have a college degree and share my success with my family and every minute of the day I always pray for the Divine Providence hoping for the best future that God has in store for me.

Studying harder, keeping my mind alert and developing my physical skills (gym & basketball) keep me busy all weekdays and ends my week by attending a HOLY MASS with my family,sharing quality time whole day Sunday and prepare for another busy week ahead.

Life challenges, economic and political issues are some facts of life we need to accept as norms of life. For a student full of dreams and looking forward to be an asset of a society, I aim to maintain to keep everything I learned in the best utilization possible.

My dad always advice me that as a grown-up man one has to balance the triangle :ABLE-WILLING & READY...
In most undertakings one may be WILLING to do something, READY to take the associated risk but is not ABLE for some reasons that affects most reliable thing to consider.
Sometimes one may be capABLE and WILLING to share/do something but may not be READY in some extent.

Determination,Drive,Dedication & Devotion are my 4D's in life...I always keep positive mental attitude to any undertakings I indulge myself in...being DETERMINED to be on top of every situation...with enough DRIVE to push tough things get better ...staying on track no matter how rough things goes-DEDICATED enough to analyze & win-up couple things with DEVOTION seeking Divine guidance and wisdom.

God is good and will always see me through a Life's jouney to EXCELLENCE....